We are still saying that we should not be left out: Manase Ntutu on fighting for the rights of indigenous persons with disabilities
In this video, Manase Ntutu shares his journey from organizing persons with disabilities to fight for their rights at the county level in Kenya to being co-chair of the Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network. Manase describes the challenges indigenous people with disabilities face in accessing international advocacy systems to represent themselves and fight for their rights.
Pastoralists, like his own Maasai community, have faced further barriers in accessing information and online meetings during the Covid-19 pandemic. Manase calls for the representation of indigenous people and people with disabilities in all public life sectors to ensure that no one is left behind and indigenous cultures are respected and protected.
Manase Saitoti Ntutu is the co-chair of the Indigenous Persons with Disabilities Global Network. His organisation Narok South Disability Network in Kenya regularly collaborates with MRG’s partner Endorois Indigenous Women Empowerment Network (EIWEN), most recently on an advocacy project on the political representation of indigenous persons with disabilities around the 2022 Kenyan Elections. He is a Maasai man, wheat farmer, livestock keeper, and pastor.
We thank our partner EIWEN for the production of this video.
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Photo: Still from the interview.