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Music Beyond Borders: A short film about anti-Kurdish discrimination in Türkiye

11 May 2023

Join us in exploring the powerful story of a banned language and a silenced culture.

This short film takes you back to the 1980s in Türkiye, where the Kurdish language and music were forbidden. Watch as soldiers try to prevent the music from being played at a wedding, only to be left powerless when they hear the sounds of a neighbouring Kurdish village across the Syrian border.

This film highlights the ongoing pressure on the use of the Kurdish language and music and the lack of change in the past 40 years. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the struggle for cultural identity and freedom.

Watch the movie

A still from the film.

This content was published in the context of the programme ‘Strengthening the capacity of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities in Türkiye’ (MARC). Learn more >

This content represents the views of Minority Rights Group only and is its sole responsibility. The European Union does not accept any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.