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Identify anti-Roma racism (antigypsyism)

Project details

Logo of Roma advocacy and research centre | Rómske advokačné a výskumné stredisko
  • Organization name: Roma advocacy and research centre | Rómske advokačné a výskumné stredisko
  • Location: Three localities from Prešov Region, Banská Bystrica Region, Košice Region, Slovakia
  • Webpage
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Roma advocacy and research centre experience so far shows that interactive training is the best way for community members to learn how to recognize anti-Roma racism and how to counter it. At the same time, these trainings are an opportunity to teach the community how to organize against injustice and discrimination.

The three pieces of training will be carried out in three selected localities in the Prešov, Banská Bystrica and Košice regions, where the largest Roma communities are located. Members of the Roma community will attend a one-day training which will include the following modules:

  1. Explanation of anti-Roma racism
  2. Prejudices, stereotypes
  3. Examples from everyday life in the fields of education, housing, health care and services, employment
  4. Model situations

Grant Amount: 15.000 EUR

This content was published in the context of our ‘Minorities, Accountability, Rights, Independence and Organizational Development’ (MARIO) programme. Learn more >

MARIO is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (2021-27) of the European Union (ref: 101091387).