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Palestinian Hydrology Group for water and environmental resources development (PHG)

Project details

  • Organization name: Palestinian Hydrology Group for water and environmental resources development (PHG)
  • Location: Palestine

The project aims to study the water and environmental conditions of Bedouin minority communities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (especially after the war in Gaza). Based on the study’s findings, activities will be designed to empower women in marginalized Bedouin communities, enabling them to advocate for their basic rights in clean water and safe environment. This will be achieved by providing them with knowledge and empowering them to use tools of advocacy, lobbying, and campaigning through training women in Bedouin communities, raising awareness about rights, producing position papers, policies, and facts sheet for use in advocacy and campaigns.

This content was published in the context of our ‘Minorities, Accountability and Civic Space’ (MACS) programme. Learn more >

MACS is funded by the European Union.