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Restart Center

Project details

  • Organization name: Restart Center
  • Location: Lebanon

The working group aims to prevent torture and ill-treatment in Lebanon by promoting social justice and respect for the human rights, dignity, and integrity of each individual, particularly in places of deprivation of liberty. The Working group advocates for the eradication of torture and ill-treatment in Lebanon by conducting comprehensive torture prevention efforts at all levels, especially through unified capacity building, awareness-raising, and advocacy activities. The WGTP actively seeks to include minority-led organizations to bring diverse perspectives and experiences and to ensure a more comprehensive understanding of human rights issues. By prioritizing diverse representation in leadership and decision-making roles, the network ensures that the perspectives and needs of these communities are integrated into its activities.

This content was published in the context of our ‘Minorities, Accountability and Civic Space’ (MACS) programme. Learn more >

MACS is funded by the European Union.