Country strategy papers: A policy tool to increase effectiveness of Polish development cooperation
This briefing paper gives guidance in developing Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) based on other donors’ good practices. Given recent changes in the Polish aid system, CSPs are necessary to take advantage of the momentum towards establishing a modern and effective policy. CSPs are essential policy documents of the development cooperation system and they contribute to greater coherence and credibility, as well as effectiveness of the donors’ development policies.Appropriate development of CSPs, including all the steps recommended in this briefing, will contribute to the specialization of the Polish development cooperation as well as improving its quality. Well-adjusted country documents for Polish aid will facilitate implementation and lead to the desired outcomes in the partner countries. Country-level programming should also incorporate a human rights-based approach (HRBA), and aid and development effectiveness principles in order to adequately responds to the needs of the poor and fulfill the international commitments that Poland has made.The briefing paper, designed for the Polish aid system through the step-by-step introduction to the development of country-level programming, would be useful for all EU12 emerging donors.The first chapter explores the advantages of the CSPs for the Polish aid system, identifies how CSPs can fill existing gaps, reviews the relevance of CSPs for donors as well as partner countries and identifies principles in development cooperation which should guide in-country strategies.The second chapter outlines steps in developing CSPs for Polish aid and provides an insight into good practices of how other donors develop their CSPs.The third chapter identifies key stakeholders who should be consulted in the design of the CSP and looks at governmental and public institutions as well as civil society.The fourth chapter offers practical recommendations on how to make Polish aid more credible and effective through the design of CSPs.