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Designing and Offering Meaningful Help to the Survivors of Wartime Rape on the Territory of Poland

Project details

  • Organization name: The Polish Center for Torture Survivors
  • Location: Poland
  • Facebook

The project aims to establish a comprehensive care platform for victims of torture and wartime rape in Poland, covering legal aid, psychological help, and awareness initiatives. Legal support involves assisting survivors in obtaining benefits, Ukrainian language training for lawyers, and educating law professionals. Psychological help includes training psychotherapists, establishing aid centres, and creating outreach materials in Polish, English, and Ukrainian. The project targets survivors affected by Russia’s aggression on Ukraine.

Grant amount: €15,000

This content was published in the context of our ‘Minorities, Accountability, Rights, Independence and Organizational Development’ (MARIO) programme. Learn more >

MARIO is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (2021-27) of the European Union (ref: 101091387).