Promoting Roma Equality in Slovenia and Slovakia (PRESS)
Duration: 1 April 2022 – 31 March 2024
Community: Roma
What was this programme about?
The programme sought to promote and protect the rights of Roma facing discrimination by raising society and stakeholders’ awareness, enhancing the implementation of non-discrimination legislation and empowering Roma to seek legal remedies in Slovakia and Slovenia.
More specifically, we aimed to:
- Enhance the knowledge of anti-discrimination legislation and access to justice among legal practitioners, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Roma mediators, activists and decision-makers
- Strengthen the capacity and willingness of legal practitioners to provide legal aid for Roma and challenge discrimination incidents.
- Strengthen the capacity of CSOs to support and represent Roma communities facing discrimination.
- Improve access to justice for Roma communities in both target countries.
Why did we deliver this programme?
The Roma community comprises the European Union’s (EU) largest ethnic minority, with a population of approximately six million. A considerable proportion of Roma in Slovakia and Slovenia live in marginalized conditions and face multiple disadvantages and structural inequalities in education, housing, employment and healthcare. In contrast to the prominent levels of discrimination, Roma communities face serious barriers in access to justice, especially in raising cases of discrimination and other human rights violations. In addition, there is a lack of systematic training among legal professionals on anti-discrimination law, meaning they cannot fully address the needs of Roma communities.
In Slovakia, Roma live in segregated communities and marginalized conditions. Despite official acknowledgement by the government of their situation, most continue to face multiple disadvantages and structural inequalities, particularly in education, housing, employment and healthcare, but also through existent domestic legal provisions, which arguably have a disproportionate impact on marginalized Roma and cause their indirect discrimination.
Similarly, in Slovenia, the key areas of discrimination against Roma are education, employment, housing and access to healthcare. There is also considerable underreporting of discrimination, which is a consequence of a wide range of socio-economic and legal reasons, including an insufficient understanding of the law, access to information and finances, and specialized pro-bono legal support. Language barriers, illiteracy, distrust in public institutions, and fear of consequences are contributing factors.
What did we do?
- A baseline research study to understand the factors contributing to Roma’s lack of engagement with justice mechanisms in response to discrimination and to raise awareness about practical steps towards Roma integration, desegregation and best practices on equal access to justice.
- Training for legal practitioners, CSOs and Roma activists on anti-discrimination law to strengthen their capacity to provide legal aid for Roma victims of discrimination and assist them with litigation in discrimination cases.
- Fieldwork conducted by Roma mediators to identify discrimination cases and to support Roma community members in reporting such cases.
- Legal aid for Roma who experience discrimination, followed by reporting these discrimination cases to the equality body to promote better protection and access to justice.
- Roundtable for equality bodies to exchange experience tackling discrimination and share best practices.
- Advocacy to combat and raise awareness about discrimination against Roma communities in Slovakia, Slovenia and at the EU level, and to increase Roma mediators’, activists’ and community members’ skills in advocacy and participation in decision-making.
- A report based on the programme’s outcomes to contribute to transnational cooperation between the two countries and to share best practices with other CSOs, both within those countries and more widely.
What did we do?
- We conducted research in Slovakia and Slovenia to map the different fields of discrimination against Roma and the obstacles to their access to justice. As a result, we produced a report in English, Slovak and Slovenian.
- We developed two sets of training materials for legal practitioners, CSOs and Roma activists in both countries.
- We trained 33 lawyers on the possibilities for strategic litigation related to racial discrimination against Roma in Slovakia and on the anti-discrimination legislation and jurisprudence in Slovenia.
- We trained 34 Roma activists and CSO representatives on the anti-discrimination legislation, the available legal remedies and on how to support discriminated Roma to report their cases to the equality body in both countries.
- Roma mediators and partners conducted 181 field visits in 80 Roma communities and spoke to 881 community members.
- Free legal counselling was provided in 129 instances and 15 discrimination cases were reported to the national equality body or other relevant institutions established for the protection of equality.
- We held a roundtable for national equality bodies to provide them with information and results about the field work and legal aid offered for Roma community members.
- We held 11 advocacy meetings at the local and 3 at the European level where some of the results of the project were also presented.
- Shadow reports were submitted to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the UN Committee Against Torture, the UN CEDAW Committee and the UN Human Rights Council in the framework of the UPR mechanism.
- We published a lessons learnt report in English, Slovak and Slovenian about the learnings of the field and legal work in Slovakia and Slovenia.
Who were our partners?
- The Center for Civil and Human Rights (Poradna) is an NGO based in Slovakia focused on protecting human rights with particular emphasis on the rights of minorities and protection from discrimination. It has long worked on the issue of discrimination against Roma in various areas of public life.
- EPEKA Association is an organization active in the fields of EU citizenship, EU values and intercultural dialogue with branches in several European countries. It has a long history of working with underprivileged social groups both youth and adults, promoting the human rights of Roma in Slovenia.
Who funded this programme?
This programme was funded by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV).
What did the evaluation say?
This programme was evaluated by an external evaluator. The full report is available for download.
Find out more
Similar programmes to PRESS were implemented in Hungary and Serbia by MRGE and its local partners, Roma Equality through Increased Legal Access (REILA) alongside Praxis and Idetartozunk Egyesület, and in Bulgaria and Croatia with Equality for Roma through Enhanced Legal Access (ERELA) alongside Amalipe and the Information Legal Center.
MRG has carried out similar programmes which have focused on the human rights of Roma in North Macedonia, Central Europe, Ukraine and Türkiye.
Roma women attending a meeting in Kosice, 2021. Credit: Jan Varchola for Poradna pre obcianske a ludske prava.
This content represents the views of Minority Rights Group only and is its sole responsibility. The European Union does not accept any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.