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Annual Report & Audited Accounts 2021

5 December 2022

We are pleased to present our Audited Accounts and Annual Report for 2021. This year marks the first full year of our most recent four-year strategy, in which we aim to work for and with ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and indigenous peoples across the globe in order to combat persecution, challenge marginalization and realize climate justice.The climate crisis, the pandemic, economic stagnation, grinding poverty, malnutrition, starvation, growing inequality, deep-seated structural discrimination, marginalization of communities, social fragmentation, ethnic conflict, mass detention, calls for genocide, use of torture, growing impunity… the list of violations perpetrated by human beings upon other human beings and nature that they seek to dominate and exploit for their own benefit, seems endless. These stories justifiably dominate our headlines. But rather than galvanizing society towards a better tomorrow, they lead to mass despair and resignation. With every such person that turns their back on the problem, a space is created, a vacuum in which the abdication of responsibility is filled by others who view human misery as an opportunity to continue their domination, this time with the tacit approval of the silent masses.At MRG, in working with our communities, we have witnessed each of the phenomena above this year.Every one of the situations described are real among our 150 partners. But we are also privileged to witness incredible stories of incessant struggles being won. Of people reaching out across narrow boundaries that divide them to work together to solve problems. Of resilience that is inspiring and should make those who despair question their own humanity. In the midst of these tough, some say impossible times, humanity is responding, though their stories remain submerged due to access limitations by those that own mass media, and limited bandwidth in listening. At MRG we have little interest in admiring the problem – in telling ever more excruciating horror stories that debilitate. We are interested in working with people committed to solutions. Who bring their knowledge, lived experience and innovation to address the structures, cultures, institutions and above all people who feel entitled to ignore and profit from the suffering of others.We know this battle for humanity can be won and are committed to ensuring that inherited practices of the past will not condemn our future. We have the skills and commitment and hope that others like you will mobilize alongside us to educate majorities and minorities and claim the space where the rights and inherent dignity of everyone are respected and a sustainable future can be realized for all.

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