Minority Voices web training manual for minority and indigenous activists, journalists and campaigners in Africa
This training manual is part of the Minority Voices programme run by Minority Rights Group (MRG). This is an EU-funded project designed to increase the inclusion of minority voices in media coverage. This manual will be used as the basis for training minority and indigenous activists, and their advocates, to undertake their own online campaigning and media work. It explains what online tools are available, how to plan an online activity and how to use those relevant tools to build a campaign or project.This edition of the web training manual has been produced for regional trainings in southern Africa. However, the basic content is relevant to web development and online campaigning globally.Please visit the media portal developed as part of this programme http://www.minorityvoices.org
Copyright Notice
The contents of this document are protected by a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (full details: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) allowing people to use and distribute the work as long as the copyright holder is attributed. This manual has been produced and published in good faith by the Minority Rights Group. We encourage minority activists, journalists and campaigners to use the material freely to support their work. If you copy or disseminate this text in any way, please credit Minority Rights Group.