Networks for peace: A case of the Basongora and Batuku Minority Communities in Rwenzori Sub-region in Uganda
This resource was produced by MRG’s partner(s) with MRG. It remains the property of the organization(s) in question and does not necessarily reflect the views of MRG.
This conflict report was produced by MRG partners in the framework of the programme ‘Networks for Peace: Preventing and Resolving conflicts through Early Warning Mechanism in Africa‘, which is currently being implemented in Kenya, Uganda, and Cameroon. In Uganda, the programme is being implemented in Kasese and Ntoroko districts located in the Rwenzori Sub Region of Western Uganda by Community Development Resource Network (CDRN) and Kabarole Research & Resource Centre (KRC), respectively in Ntoroko and Kasese Districts.
The objectives of the mapping study were to establish existing conflict triggers, indicators, early warning and response mechanisms and the associated challenges in addressing conflict among the minority communities in Ntoroko and Kasese districts. Consultations were made through focus group discussions and key informant interviews with different stakeholders, including the target communities, local government leaders at the district, sub-county and lower levels, and religious and cultural leaders.
This content was published in the context of the programme ‘Networks for Peace: Preventing and resolving conflicts through early warning mechanisms in Africa’. Learn more >