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MRG and partners in Brazil submit a report on Black and indigenous children with disabilities

8 March 2024

This alternative report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) highlights the issues faced by Brazilian Black and indigenous children with disabilities, focusing on a lack of disaggregated data, lack of access to health services, lack of access to education, lack of access to disability diagnoses and welfare programmes, institutionalization and a lack of care policy and family support. This submission was put together by Minority Rights Group (MRG), Vidas Negras com Deficiência Importam (VNDI), Insituto Kevyn Johnson- Projeto Marias, Coletivo Acessibilindígena and Instituto Alana. It relies on data collected from the co-submitting organizations, testimonies, statistical data and academic studies.

This document will aid the CRC in its review of the Brazilian government and bring focus to the experiences of minoritized children with disabilities in Brazil. Hopefully, it will influence the questions and recommendations the Committee makes to the Brazilian government.

The report is available in English and Portuguese.