DRC: Respecting indigenous peoples’ rights ruled key in…
The ruling recognizes Batwa as the best guardians of biodiversity and calls for their return to their land.
UK: MRG condemns race riots and urges broad accountability
Minority Rights Group gravely condemns this horrifying violence, which must be called what it is, racism and Islamophobia – not protest.
Minority stories
Minority stories
11 February 2020
Japan’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: A History of Denial
This online resource profiles Japan’s minorities, indigenous peoples and immigrants. From hate speech and discrimination to exploitation and invisibility, the different challenges experienced by these groups are still entrenched in Japanese society today.
- Japan
- Women
- Minority stories
19 August 2019
Freedom from hate
Five organisations from Eastern Europe came together to address the growing concern of online discrimination and hate speech against Europe's biggest minority community, the Roma.
- Central and Eastern Europe
- Women
- Minority stories
23 May 2019
The Turkish Minority in Western Thrace
The continued non-recognition of the Turkish minority’s collective ethnic identity has many implications, including restricted freedom of religion, lack of access to education in their own language and the rise of hate-motivated attacks by far-right groups against the community.
- Western Sahara (unrecognized state)
- Turks in Kosovo
- Discrimination
- Minority stories
14 March 2019
‘It’s here! Romani sexual dissidence’
This is an exploration of gender and sexual dissidence and diversity in Spain's Gypsy community, based on interviews carried out during Madrid Pride week in June 2018.
- Spain
- Minority stories
23 August 2018
Ukraine: Life in a Roma settlement at the edge of the European Union
As part of MRG’s project ‘A Partnership for All: Developing Strategies for Socio-Economic Cooperation Between Roma Communities and Local Authorities in Ukraine’, funded by the European Union, our Senior Media Officer Emma Eastwood paid a visit to a Roma community to see for herself what living conditions were like for one of Europe’s most marginalized minorities.
- Ukraine
- Roma in Iraq
- Discrimination
- Minority stories
15 September 2017
Denial and Denigration: How Racism Feeds Statelessness
Five organizations from Eastern Europe came together to address the growing concern of online discrimination and hate speech against Europe's biggest minority community, the Roma.
- South Asia
- Discrimination
- Minority stories
5 March 2017
‘¡Homofobia no! ¡Socialismo sí!’ Identity, culture, gender and sexuality in today’s Cuba
This report investigates the relationship and intersection between Afro-Cuban culture and ethnicity, Santería religion and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) communities, and hopes to reflect their celebratory, and critical voices, at a time of great change in Cuba.
- Cuba
- Afro-Cubans in Cuba
- Minority stories
21 December 2016
Reports from Pakistan: Tracing the challenges facing religious minorities
Minority Rights Group International (MRG) has been working with activists in Pakistan on religious minority issues to monitor and document violations against religious minorities and to work together across religious lines in advocating for greater tolerance.
- Pakistan
- Discrimination
- Minority stories
11 July 2016
State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2016: Focus on culture and heritage
Five organisations from Eastern Europe came together to address the growing concern of online discrimination and hate speech against Europe's biggest minority community, the Roma.
- Central Asia
- Discrimination
- Minority stories
25 February 2016
Life at the Margins: The Challenges of Multiple Discrimination
Minorities and indigenous peoples, already marginalised, face further challenges on account of other aspects of their identity – their age, gender, livelihood, disabilities, sexuality or gender identity.
- East Africa
- Discrimination
- Minority stories
1 February 2016
Statelessness in the Dominican Republic
Through interviews, a documentary and legal research, this publication describes the extremely difficult situation of Dominicans of Haitian descent in the Caribbean.
- Dominican Republic
- Discrimination
- Minority stories
28 October 2015
Afro-Descendants: A Global Picture
Drawing on a range of case studies, this publication seeks to highlight the invisibility and discrimination that persist for people of African descent to this day, as well as celebrate their achievements as activists, artists and citizens.
- Central Africa
- Discrimination
- Minority stories
22 August 2015
Rights and Reconciliation for Women in Sri Lanka
This project highlights, through their art, the hopes and fears of minority women and their thoughts on the possibility of reconciliation.
- Sri Lanka
- Abkhaz in Georgia
- Women
- Minority stories